Cyberspace is a technical term used for the electronic medium of computer networks, in which online communication takes place. It comes alive only when two or more computers are networked together. The term has a very wide meaning and is not only restricted to the internet but also includes computers, computer networks, the internet, data, software etc. The crimes that are committed by using the computer as an instrument, or a target or a mean for perpetuating further crimes falls within the definition of cyber crime. Cyber law is the law that governs the crimes committed within the cyberspace.
The Information Technology Act has been passed to give effect to the UN resolution and to promote efficient delivery of Government services by means of reliable electronic records. As per preamble to the Act, the purpose of Act is (a) to provide legal recognition for transactions carried out by means of electronic data interchange and other means of electronic communication, commonly referred to as “electronic commerce”, which involve the use of alternatives to paper-based methods of communication and storage of information and (b) to facilitate electronic filing of documents with the Government agencies.
Electronic contracts
Security procedure for electronic records and digital signature
Proceedings before Certifying Authorities and Controller of Certifying Authorities,
Procedure before Certifying authorities to obtain License to issue digital signature certificates
Various types of computer crimes defined under the I.T. Act 2000.
Proceedings before Adjudicating Officer
Proceeding and enquiry/inquiries done by adjudication officers under the said Act
Proceeding before Cyber Appellate Tribunal
Appeal from order of Adjudicating Officer to Cyber Appellate Tribunal
Appeal from order of Cyber Appellate Tribunal to High Court
Complaints pertaining to the offences or contraventions committed outside India